Monday, May 15, 2006
Just played a rubbish game... shocking and nervewrecking! Visit and click the house picture. Waaaa... Loony knew the walkthrough but she still jumped, thanks to her short-memory brain... Maximum volume is strongly recommended for better effects :)
Today we're supposed to test the pitch for instrument making competition but my ears almost burst... It's so high-pitched and need to hit it several times before we get the correct tuning. It's super HIGH-PITCHED! At least if u listen to the clanking for hours.
The Ceres Sparkling bottle can produce some proper sounds. The Snapple bottle is lousy, can't even tune ONE note. Then we realized Adelina's house has storage of empty bottles, but we can't stand the sound anymore so we'll get the rest to do it tomorrow.
Me, Moony, is in Loony's house now... So hot... humid... no air-con... Ugly computer (the pg up button WAS spoilt, the windows keep disappearing)
Talked to Loony's Smarterchild, sooo lame. I tot it's supposed to relieve my boredom but the robot is super irritating, a bit dumb, etc. Don't even noe Mount Merapi just erupted this morning...
Me: Do you know that Mt Merapi just erupted?
Smarterchild: Mt stands for Montana
For further information on Montana please click ...
Another one...
Me: Mount Merapi just erupted this morning
Smarterchild: Are you sure?
Me: Yup
Smartrchild: Really really sure?
Me: 100% sure
Smarterchild: (100/100) = 1
For further information on ...
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breakaway ♥
6:39 PM
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