Tuesday, March 28, 2006
TA DA...
In response to Ah Zhu's tag, this blog is officially reopened. HAHA. Now arguing with Loony about her spirit or image being in my house (She said she'll come over to my house in 30 mins and I agreed, then she said her spirit is already here, I told her that's tahi kerbau). Don't you agree that she's mad??Anyway I didn't go for junior band or IJ Superstar because I had stomachache... I don't think it's really comfortable to listen to ppl singing while my stomache is hurting although the pain is not that bad. Nobody was in when I reached home, spent more or less an hour in the toilet, doing my business and reading (my secret hobby) and showering. I heard the phone ringing outside but I can't just storm out of the toilet to pick up the phone, can I? I I thought it was my grandma's friend or sth but apparently it's LOONY (I only knew when she told me so over the phone)... Who would expect her to call at 3 pm!!! That's unusual until she told me she wanted to inform me that she misplaced her pencilcase... (More like she's thinking it's with me). These few days she kept leaving her things in school... Hmmm, that's a sign that she's getting older but not wiser :)List to do:- Do homework (which is the last thing I want to do!)- Read 'A Love for Life'- Revise MALAY- Copy notes (AM, LT, etc.)- Exercise for NAPFA test- REST!!! (I need this the most and going to do it now)Rainbow colour ;P THE END
breakaway ♥
10:39 PM
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