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Friday, February 17, 2006
On Ah Zhu's request

Yup, Ah Zhu forced... or persuaded me to post today. Dunno what's on her mind. Today is not a really good day...

Done with our bio project, it looks decent, actually nice. Other groups did their posters on I dunno what size of paper, so much for an A3. I'm quite sure if they entered a competition, their groups would be disqualified straightaway without even reading the first line. Haih. I'm not sure if everyone bothers or even understands how to read a simple instruction like, DO IT ON AN A3 PAPER! Forgive me for saying this, but it's the truth.

Chem practical was disgusting, very very confusing. It's a 'back-titration' and it's making my brain turning upside down. And thanks Loony, for NOT telling me ANYTHING so that I had to redo it (Loony thinks Moony need MORE practice apparently!) Thanks Loony, do it again next time.

Well, there's a Malay dialogue on 7th April, (un)fortunately we have FANTASIA 6. Fiuh... I can't imagine myself crapping for 5 minutes in MALAY.

Can't think of anything else to write. Erm... Ah Zhu, your chocolate melted!!! =( How can I forget to eat them earlier??? Now they're in my refrigerator, cooling themselves.

Moony is done and she's sleepy now. Planning to go to the Lalaland.

breakaway ♥ 5:12 PM link to post 0 comments