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flashback February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006

highlight of the month JC orientation!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Have a wonderful Valentine's day!

Hmmmm, same as Moony there, I screwed my Physics test.... Sigh, wat a life!

I did not go for Sec 1 band 2day, it was a Sec 1 band and after all I had a tuition... I had had an interesting day though! Firstly, 'Ah Fu' gives me, Moony and 'Ah Zhu' a rose 'doll'! Thanks..... And Moony too for the chocolate, though I prefer tiramisu...

Secondly, I can't find my Enemy of the People book inside my locker. 'Ah Zhu' suggested tt I might have accidentally brought it home (it was the smallest textbook I have). Suddenly, my scholar fren said tt she saw a book fell down the small gap behind the locker. After school, 'Ah Fu' and I tried to get it out by using a BROOM, a PLASTIC BOARD and my RULER.... Finally, 'AI had to ask for my Operational (?) Manager's help. He in turn ask the cleaner's help. After some poking, THANKFULLY, it was fished out!!!!! (Meanwhile, Moony, 'Ah Fu' and 'Ah Zhu' was watching from the band room like watching a soap opera) I can study for the coming Lit test... Fuuhh!

That basically ends my hectic day!

Knock and it shall be opened. Ask and it shall be granted!

breakaway ♥ 8:16 PM link to post 0 comments